16 April 2009

0 Static IP for UNIX machines

Static IP for red hat Linux:

·         Use setup/neat to configure static IP on the machine. Command is # setup or # neat

·         This will pop up a new screen with various options to configure IP. Choose the appropriate one.

Static IP for SuSe Linux:

·         Use yast to change the IP address of the machine. Command is # yast

·         Configure the IP with the given options

Static IP for Solaris:

You should have all the required information regarding the new IP like IP address, subnet mask, Default gateway and name. Modify the following files with the new entry.

·         # vi /etc/hosts. Enter the host name and IP address of the machine.

·         # vi /etc/netmasks. Enter the subnet mask for the IP.

·         # vi /etc/defaultrouter. Enter the default gateway.

Static IP for IBM AIX:

·         Use smit to change the IP address. Command is # smitty tcpip

·         Configure the IP with the given options

Static IP for HP UX:

·         Modify the entries in the file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

·         Give the command # vi /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

·         Configure the IP with the given options and reboot the system by command # reboot

·         You can also use SAM to change the IP Address of the machine by command #sam and select appropriate options to configure IP Address


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