24 February 2009

0 Disabling rightclick in your website is not worthy

Disabling rightclick is not a good idea? why?

(Learn How to disable Right click in you Website or Blog, Here)

After working long time on a design or a code or an article you may want to protect it, you may be thinking of protecting your asset by using a JavaScript that disables rightclick.

It may looks fine; however this isn't a good idea. Why not? The following are the reasons.

Disabling right click is irritating

You may not be realizing that how much you use right-click until you can't use it! There are a lot of other useful and efficient features are there in the right click. While most are also available in the menu bar of the browser window, it's often much quicker to use the right-click menu, as rightclick menu is usually the closest menu you have available, in your reach.

Disabling right click is worthless

Do you think disabling right-click will protect your source code or images? If someone is determined to steel your code they will do it regardless of whether he is able or not to access browser context menu. If they need your source code then there are too many ways to get your source code. Keep one thing in mind; whenever you are viewing a page from the internet, it’s a download. That is, the page is downloading from the server with all its content, which will be residing at your temporary folders. If someone is so determined to retrieve something from your webpage he can simply do that. There is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox, Firebug. Actually its developer tool, to debug or develop JavaScript, CSS codes, But with this Firebug you can download each single element from a webpage to you system. All that need is just open the page in Firefox, download and install firebug. I had downloaded .SWF files even the protected streaming videos using the firebug.

Disabling right-click will only make people to think about what you're exactly trying to hide. And this could end up being just opposite effect, as your images and source code attract unwanted attention.

Important: - you can only disable right-click on browsers that have JavaScript enabled: if a user is just disabling the JavaScript in his browser, the whole code will be an utter failure.

Disabling right click is unprofessional and insulting to the normal user

Disabling right click is unprofessional way to protect your asset. Most of your visitors will come to your site looking information or any services. Only a very small number of your visitors will visit your site with the intention to steal something from it. By trying to protect your asset from the crooked minority, you effectively insult the normal users, who will use the right-click menu for reasonable reasons. Do you really want to lose some of your repeated visitors by just trying to protect your contents?

Agreed, some crooked minded people may want to use your source code, but don't assume that everyone who looks at it will want to reuse it.


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